Revolutionising Business Growth: DBT Launches ‘Help to Grow’ Site to Boost Economy!

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The UK government has launched a new centralised website aimed at providing support and assistance to businesses across the country. The Help to Grow website from the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) is designed to upskill businesses of all sizes, helping them to reach more customers, learn new skills and boost their profits. The site brings together the expertise of the newly formed department, making it easier for businesses to access and use government information and support.

The launch of Help to Grow has been prompted by businesses’ need for easy-to-find information and the site aims to simplify the process of accessing such information. The site is focused on helping the UK’s 5.4 million small businesses, which are a driving force behind the economy. It offers support and guidance at every stage of the business journey, from start-up to scale-up and exporting globally. 

One of the key objectives of Help to Grow is to provide businesses with the tools they need to grow and succeed. As Business and Trade Minister Kevin Hollinrake MP stated, “when businesses are given the right tools, it boosts profits, creates well-paid jobs and lifts the entire UK economy”. The Help to Grow website will play a pivotal role in helping firms achieve their business ambitions by enabling more businesses to reach their trading ambitions, increasing inward investment and removing business trade barriers. 

The site will provide guidance, advice, services and support from the UK government, bringing together the support and help that already exists across government websites. DBT will continually update and improve the Help to Grow site by collaborating with other government agencies and listening to feedback from the business community. 

The Help to Grow website will also help businesses learn new digital skills, export their goods and services globally and take courses in effective management. By providing this comprehensive support, the site will help businesses to become more efficient, effective and competitive in their respective markets. 

The website will provide much-needed support and guidance to businesses of all sizes, giving them access to a range of resources that will help them to thrive and succeed – from start to finish. 


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is for general guidance only and aims to provide general information on a relevant topic in a concise form. This article should not be regarded as legal advice in relation to a particular circumstance. Action should never be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.

This post was written by Andrew Forsythe who is a Corporate and Commercial Solicitor from our legal partner rradarIf you need further assistance and individual guidance, please email our team: