Data Protection Act
The Data Protection Act controls how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government. Everyone responsible for using data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles’.
Debt Finance
Debt financing occurs when a firm raises money for working capital or capital expenditures by selling bonds, bills or notes to individuals and/or institutional investors. In return for lending the money, the individuals or institutions become creditors and receive a promise the principal and interest on the debt will be repaid.
An appointed or elected member of the board of directors of a company who, with other directors, has the responsibility for determining and implementing the company's policy.
Director Duties
The Companies Act 2006 outlines the statutory duties of company directors as seven general duties;
Duty to act within your powers as a company director
Duty to promote the success of your company
Duty to exercise independent judgement
Duty to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence
Duty to avoid conflicts of interest
Duty not to accept benefits from third parties
Duty to declare interest in proposed transaction or arrangement with the company
Directors and Officers Insurance
Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance – also known as D&O insurance – covers the cost of compensation claims made against your business’s directors and key managers (officers) for alleged wrongful acts. Wrongful acts include: breach of trust, breach of duty, neglect, error, misleading, statements, wrongful trading.
An employer could start formal disciplinary action against an employee if they have concerns about their work, conduct or absence. Disciplinary procedures are a set way for an employer to deal with disciplinary issues. They should include a disciplinary hearing where the employee is given a chance to explain their side of the story. There should also be a chance to appeal any disciplinary action the employer decides to take.
Discrimination means treating a person unfairly because of who they are or because they possess certain characteristics. If you have been treated differently from other people only because of who you are or because you possess certain characteristics, you may have been discriminated against.
A dismissal is when an employees contract is ended. There are 4 different types of dismissal, Fair Dismissal, Unfair Dismissal, Constructive Dismissal, Wrongful Dismissal.
Distance contract
A distance contract is made between you and a consumer where you are not face-to-face and which is negotiated and agreed by one or more organised means of distance communication (e.g. telephone, post, email, internet).
Distance contract
A distance contract is made between you and a consumer where you are not face-to-face and which is negotiated and agreed by one or more organised means of distance communication (e.g. telephone, post, email, internet).
Distributable profits
Distributable profits are essentially the realised profits (after prior distributions or capitalisation) less realised losses (after losses which are written off in a reduction or capital reorganisation).
A dividend is a distribution made to shareholders from a company’s post-tax profits. It is a way for a company to give value to the shareholders.
DSE Assessment
Display Screen Equipment - an assessment that takes into account the environment in which the DSE is used, comments made by the user, guidance and information.
Deregistration Threshold
As of the 1st April, 2017 deregistration threshold rose from £81,000 to £83,000.
Data Protection Act
An act created in 1998 which states how information about living people is handled and used
Difficult Conversations
A talk in which opinions, needs and wants differ from one another which can cause emotions to get involved. See Conversations.
Direct Payments
A scheme run by the UK Government that gives people money directly to pay for their own care, instead of a local government authority providing care for them.
Disability Discrimination
When a person living with a disability is treated differently in a negative manor compared to someone who isn’t living with a disability.
The ability to make others obey rules that are set, or to behave in a certain manor.
Discipline and grievance hearing
A meeting that takes place between an employer and employee in which discipline can take place, and will also listen to any complaints being said by the employee. See Discipline.
Discipline and grievance: Code of Practice
A code in which helps employers, employees and any representative’s deal with Discipline and grievance hearing in the workplace. See Discipline and grievance hearing.
When a person or group is treated differently for a reason such as race, gender and sexuality.
Dismissing employees
The termination of an employee from a workplace, used as a last resort after investigations are taken place.
Disputes and conflict in the workplace
A disruption in the workplace that can make less production for a business, this can be a person or group with a grievance. See Grievance.
Disputes and problems at work
A disagreement or disturbance to the work environment or an issue with anything that an employee might have.
A variety of differences such as a mixed range of age groups at a workplace.
Diwali (Hindu)
The celebration of light, celebrated by the Hindu religion.
A medical substance used in the treatment of a person.
Domain Name Suffix
This is an alternative name for a domain name extension.
Domain Name Registrar
This is a company that provides domain name registration services. You can find a list of '.uk' registrars at: www.nominet.org.uk/uk-domain-names/registering-uk-domain/choosing-registrar/list-registrars.